
Reorganization of Spare Parts and Maintenance Operations

Project Summary

A leading oil producer in the Arabian Peninsula held a high volume of spare parts inventory for maintenance and repair work in its oil refineries and pipelines. The producer worked with Dijitalis to optimize the locations and inventory levels of the inventory.

Project Scope

  • Simulation-based forecasting of maintenance and outages for the next 10 years using historical failure and downtime data

  • Selection of locations to provide the fastest service to critical assets using supply chain network optimization

  • Optimization of safety stock levels


  • Reduction in total inventory costs
  • Increase in speed of delivery of parts and service to critical assets


  • In the first sentence, I have translated "Arap yarımadasının en büyük petrol üreticisi" as "A leading oil producer in the Arabian Peninsula" to convey the meaning of the original phrase.
  • In the second sentence, I have translated "petrol rafinerileri ve boru hatlarındaki bakım ve arıza giderme çalışmaları için yüksek miktarda yedek parça envanteri tutmaktaydı" as "held a high volume of spare parts inventory for maintenance and repair work in its oil refineries and pipelines" to convey the meaning of the original phrase.
  • In the third sentence, I have translated "Üretici firma Dijitalis ile çalışarak envanterin tutulacağı konumları ve envanter seviyelerini optimize etti" as "worked with Dijitalis to optimize the locations and inventory levels of the inventory" to convey the meaning of the original phrase.