
Demand Planning and Forecasting

To improve your forecasting accuracy, understand how external factors affect your demand.

What is Problem?

Demand planning approaches that use only statistical methods based on historical data are insufficient because they do not consider the effects of external factors. It is impossible to take into account changes in economic conditions, demand fluctuations, shortening product life cycles, and the increase in the number of sales channels and SKUs based solely on historical data.

What is Solution?

Dijitalis opens up over half a million time series to you, from weather to economic metrics, with its platform tailored to your organization like a tailor, and allows you to make more accurate decisions by predicting their effects on your demand with the support of artificial intelligence. In this way, you will have combined traditional statistical forecasting techniques with machine learning and made significant improvements in your forecasting accuracy. With the right combination of process and tools, you will:

  • Achieve double-digit improvements in your forecasting accuracy,
  • Identify which external factors have the greatest impact on your demand,
  • Reduce working capital and increase resource utilization.