
Control Tower

A control tower is a centralized platform that tracks, monitors, and directs activities within a supply chain, from supplier to customer. Building a proper control tower infrastructure can bring you the following benefits:

High visibility and automated decision-making: A control tower provides you with high visibility and enables you to make smarter decisions in your supply chain processes. For example, if you can see that a delivery will not arrive on time, this is a starting point and you need to make a series of decisions to minimize the impact on your operations. The control tower should not only have a view of how events affect current supply chain plans, but it should also have the ability to recommend/take action on what to do and how to do it, and present the effects of the decisions on the future situation.

Simultaneous tracking: In planning processes, it may be necessary for multiple teams to work and the process to progress simultaneously. It is very important for teams to access analysis results at the same time, otherwise, factors that can lead to inefficiency in repetitive processes and decision-making processes may arise. The control tower approach enables real-time process management and communication between teams through a single platform. This method maximizes communication between teams and enables decisions to be made in the shortest possible time and with the highest accuracy.

Single and central platform: In planning and decision-making processes, scenarios should be able to be run quickly and smoothly. Switching between multiple systems, connecting these systems both wastes time and causes the quality of the decisions to decrease. Results created from a single platform and shared with other teams enable you to make effective decisions.

Prediction ability: The control tower should provide foresight for the organization's future, not only to the present and the past, but also by revealing supply chain risks and providing recommendations on how to manage these risks.

Dijitalis With its experienced expert consultant team, Dijitalis develops the most suitable roadmap for its customers' dynamics. It adopts modular structures, so it progresses step by step, taking each step on the success of the previous step. Thanks to the flexible and strong architecture of its solutions, it takes full advantage of existing systems and creates structures that will be fully integrated with new systems. Since the systems established are understandable and can be used by everyone, it ensures that all future new requests and improvements are implemented quickly by the institution itself, without the need for continuous service delivery, without being dependent on any department or person.

Our customers who use Dijitalis' methods and tools have generally achieved the following benefits:**

Traceability of supply chain components increases, and supply chain can be managed through a single and central platform. Processes in decision-making are automated, processes are accelerated, and error margin is minimized. Maximum efficiency is achieved by minimizing losses through simulation and optimization-based planning and scheduling. Communication between teams is maximized with the central platform and analysis processes are automated, enabling teams to focus on work that adds more value. Supply chain response speed increases, enabling inventory to be managed with maximum benefit.